Portuguese Courses Online

Portuguese Classes Online 

Portuguese course online anywhere. We provide the same methodology as traditional face-to-face online classes but now include a larger digital component.

We offer a relaxed atmosphere with qualified teachers and experienced in information technology in a digital environment.

To support online classes we offer a set of instruments in digital format: manuals for each level, videos, audios, games, music and other instruments to support the learning of the Portuguese language and culture.

We continue to support all those who are interested-  in taking the CIPLE, DEPLE, DIPLE, DAPLE, DUPLE, exams https://caple.letras.ulisboa.pt/exames regarding residence or Portuguese nationality.

European Portuguese Online Course

Portuguese Classes from Monday to Friday, two hours per day for 3 weeks. Starting every Monday a new course.

In order to ensure that all our students have the opportunity to study comfortably, in our groups there are a maximum of 4 students. 

We provide digital manuals and other digital tools such as slides, audios, videos, games etc. in order to support our online classes.

  European Portuguese Online Courses

European Portuguese - Intensive Course - Online

A1 (30 hours) - Beginner

From Monday to Friday (15 days)

Schedule: from 4 pm to 6 pm or from 6 pm to 8 pm (Portugal)

from 08/01/2024 a 26/01/2024

from 05/02/2024 a 23/02/2024

(3 weeks)


European Portuguese - Intensive Course - Online

A2 (30 horas) - Basic

From Monday to Friday (15 days)

Schedules: 2 pm to 4 pm or 6 pm to 8 pm (Portugal)

from 08/01/2024 a 26/01/2024

from 05/02/2024 a 23/02/2024

(3 weeks)
