
Kerry Wilkin
"Absolutely INCREDIBLE experience with Bruno and his school. Bruno is a first-rate Portuguese teacher with extremely innovative ways to give classes (especially explaining Grammar!). The classes are fun and the attention to detail is like no other in terms of course content and explaining Grammar. It's a first-rate language school which goes the extra mile for its students. Beyond impressed and cannot thank them enough for getting my Portuguese to the level it needed to be! A language school like no other! The price is very reasonable and class sizes too. They also help integrate you into the city and give tips for you to explore in your free time. Would hugely recommend Bruno and his school!!!"

Olimpia Vidrascu
"Bruno is one of the best teachers I have met. He is very passionate about his work and this school is amazing.It hosts a large mix of students from different countries which really accentuates the change of scenery and encourages them to speak the language of study with other students. All are friendly and open, while ensuring quality teaching. Bruno's activities are always lively and he is very nice, polite and helpful. When I needed help, he sorted things quickly!
I highly recommend Escola de Línguas das Sardinhas."

Anna Portella
"I strongly recommend you Escola das Sardinhas, I studied Portuguese with Bruno some time ago and I got the Advance certificate. Actually, I got more than that - I got an immersion into the Portuguese culture thorough its words. I haven't practice Portuguese for two or three years now but today I got to interview a Brazilian researcher in that language. So trusting Bruno did pay off."

Sonia Markova
"Amazing school in the center of Lisbon with super friendly atmosphere. Bruno is a great teacher, his lessons are always very interesting and include all kinds of activities - from grammar to talks and writing essays, which in my opinion is very important. I personally know people who come back every year just to have lessons with him :) Join us in learning Portuguese in a very heart of Portugal!"

Zoe Taylor
"I have tried to study Portuguese for many years but it wasn't until I started studying at Escola de Línguas das Sardinhas that it really stuck. As a native English speaker I can not recommend this school enough. Thank you Bruno.."

Rozlie Townsend
"The staff are knowledgable and adapt their teaching styles to my learning preference. Thank you for being such great educators and communicators!."

Karina Freire
"Je recommande vivement cette école, Bruno est très à l'écoute de ses élèves, il fait preuve de professionnalisme, vous voulez apprendre le portugais ou performer vos connaissances dans la langue n'hésitez plus et aller dans cette école."

Kateline Delores
"L'école de Bruno est unique, le cadre est parfait pour apprendre le Portugais ou se perfectionner, Bruno est très patient et impliqué auprès de ses élèves, de plus la bonne ambiance des classes n'égale aucune autre école. Je souligne aussi les locaux alliant traditionnel et design.
Je recommande vivement !"

Cecilia Carlino
"Bruno Carvalho é um EXCELENTE PROFESSOR e domina perfeitamente a sua profissão, facilitando saberes didácticos aos alunos de nível mais básico bem como temas de debate interessantíssimos àqueles de nível mais avançado. No entanto, o que ADOREI no seu ensino foi o ENTUSIASMO com o qual ele se implica em cada lição, tornando a QUALIDADE DAS AULAS EXTRAORDINÁRIAS! Dá vontade de ir à sua escola APRENDER A LÍNGUA não só para um diploma mas sim para mergulhar na BELA CULTURA PORTUGUESA!."

Alina Sousa Vaz
"O gosto pela Língua Portuguesa está em cada pormenor da tua atividade. Aprender na Escola de Línguas das Sardinhas é para além da Língua estudar a Cultura Portuguesa. És, sem dúvida, um empreendedor e um grande profissional da área! Parabéns por este projeto tão completo a quem quer aprender mais sobre Portugal!"

Sol Mendes
"Sem dúvida alguma eu recomendo! A toda a gente! Portugueses e estrangeiros, esta é a melhor forma de aprender novos idiomas da maneira mais rápida e divertida! O Bruno Carvalho é uma pessoa super amigável e profissional. Desejo o maior êxito e mando beijinhos."

Miriam Adrián
"He asistido a un curso intensivo de portugués avanzado en esta escuela y me ha gustado mucho. Mi nivel de portugués ha mejorado notablemente, avanzando en complejidad y perfeccionamiento. Los grupos son muy pequeños, el ambiente es bueno, y el profesor complementa muy bien las clases del idioma con apuntes sobre la cultura lusófona. Me ha encantado."

Leonor Arriols Rabada
"Aprender un idioma como el portugués no es fácil. Yo tuve la suerte de encontrar a BRUNO CARVALHO y en un tiempo relativamente corto hizo que entendiera y hablara bien este idioma. Siempre le agradeceré su profesionalidad y su amistad.
La satisfacción de ver su nuevo proyecto me proporciona mucha alegría y se que está triunfando. FELICIDADES y a por el TRIUNFO."

Natalia Orlova
"Мне очень понравились частные уроки португальского. Я прошла 3 курса. Жаль, не хватило времени дойти до конца. Индивидуальный подход, интересные материалы и замечательный преподаватель! Огромное спасибо!."

Yolanda Serrano
"Una escuela donde no solo se aprende portugués y que te da la oportunidad de conocer Lisboa y la cultura portuguesa de una manera amena y divertida."

Julián Vázquez
"Best Portuguese school in Lisbon!."